Tuesday, December 02, 2003

-->> Heads up from Nturtle from t-drome ..(ya know.. i owe the guy a limb.. damm..he's good to me..): :
"A bit of new info regarding the DVDs, Volume 5 and 6 from Animated Bliss:

Title: TMNT - v. 5 - Notes from Underground
Label: 4Kids
Type: Uncut
Medium: DVD
Rating: ALL
Street: January 13, 2004
SRP: $16.98
EPS #: 13-15

Title: TMNT - v. 6 - Shredder Strikes Back
Label: 4Kids
Type: Uncut
Medium: DVD
Rating: ALL
Street: January 13, 2004
SRP: $16.98
EPS #: 16-19

The release date for the uncut first TMNT movie in the UK is December 19th, 2003. Back in theatres for a sceond time, with nunchucks and all.

Issue 13 of Volume 4 is at the printer and scheduled for release soon!

And once again, another effort to get Artisan Entertainment to release an old TMNT DVD set, write to them at this address:

Artisan Entertainment
Attn: DVD Releases
2700 Colorado Avenue, 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA. 90404"



-->>..to infinity and BEEYYOOONDD-d-d THE FAR GATE!!..sh6t i'm screwed..
..dippin' n' divin' around the web.. ya learn things!!
..Fox Box announces the Return of 'Stargate' Infinities!!

..kidding..kidding !!
-..while the news is a little dated.. Season 3 for TMNT is planned and in the works.. so it's lookin' like the powers that be got a winner when FOX BOX kicked in the TMNTs.. prolly also due to the whole 'Cartoon Network' deal..hopefully we'll get another 10 years of TMNT toons!! 8)

-..Nick forgot ta mention that TMNT vol.4 #13 is off to the printers and will prolly roll into shoppes in the next few weeks.. but it's ok..Nick's on drugs so..

.. kidding.. kidding..

..i am.. >8)
// ..>v<

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