Everyone's favourite hot-head ..takes center stage in the ..
terrible2z fan-illustration on the Fridge !!
This is also a very special gift for Mikey (and YOU too )..!!
"Raphael meets His Match !!"
This is an archive of updates made to mikeystmnt.com from 2002-2008. Updates from 2008-2012 are archived separately along with the full website, and are not available on the blogger platform. Maybe one day I'll be able to bring the website back to life, but for now, you can use this archive to take a trip down memory lane. Keep it green! -Mikey
-->>..Well better late than never.. her's a nice round up of news to noose n' tie around the neck of yir Turtle curiosities.. and if Paleo Patrol TMNTs and M.E.S.S. Turtles ain' hittin up your fave store.. just give it a bit more time.. as the dino-rave wave hits pegs and an ever increasing rate !!
-- Our own Buslady & Lckff have claimed to have found a new TMNT 4 movie teaser poster (or at least a cool fan made peice or trade ad). Lckff:: "ALL I KNOW IS THAT THE POSTER CAME FROM THE SUPER HERO HYPE AT COMINGSOON.NET " ** -Click here to view the poster at full size..(thanks, guys!!)
-- Also ..on the same lines as the Next Turtle flick ..it looks like Ubisoft (Prince of Persia, Peter Jackson's King Kong)will be taking over for Konami in this article by 1up.com..
**-click here ..(thanks, Leo15 !!)..
-- Mr.Berger's Official Turtle d0t com has some more info on the 4-kids DVDouble Shots as reported last week .. ::
"Christopher N. Denner sent in the following info about the new DVDouble Shot releases from FUNimation:
"I was at Walmart today and wandered off into the 'children's animated selection' aisle in the far back end of the Toy Section, where they generally keep those old budget releases, and those horrible anime knock-off discs that sell for a buck a pop.
"I stumbled upon some new, legitimate, current cartoon releases on the wall for the first time. They were two-episode DVD discs called '4Kids DVDouble Shot' discs. One featured the Winx Club, one featured Yu-Gi-Oh!, one featured Sonic X and three featured the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Each one retails for $4.98.
"I didn't see these listed on the NinjaTurtles.com web site, so I figured I would pass along the information. I checked out the TMNT releases, and picked up one of the three. These are what I saw on the shelf:
"The first disc, 'In the Beginning' features episodes (1) 'Things Change' and (6) 'Darkness on the Edge of Town'.
"The second disc, 'Introducing... the Shredder' features episodes (10) 'The Shredder Strikes' Part 1 and (11) 'The Shredder Strikes' Part 2.
"The third disc, 'Superhero Turtle Titan' features episodes (12) 'The Unconvincing Turtle Titan' and (63) 'Nobody's Fool'
"Here are some pictures for verification: ( **Pic 1 , ** Pic 2, ** Pic 3 , ** Pic 4.. "
-- Cyn pointed out that 4KIDS is pimpin' a countdown to the TMNT's 100th EP !! **Click here for the COUNTER and more !! (thanks,Cyn !!) .. !!