..building a Turtle..truck..
Last year..the
U.S. Hot Rod Assocciation's official
TMNT Raphael Monster Truck hit the Monster Jam with 1475 horse-turtle power and sick 66 inch terra tires !!
4 Turtles are represented in
4 differant trucks !!
-- Check the making of the
Michelangelo truck
--starting here !!
-- ..the perfect paintjob for the perfect hot-head::.. Raphael's truck
goes under the airbrush
--starting here !!
-- Monster Jam's exstensive photo gallery with sets from differant M.J. global events including the TMNT trucks in action
--start here !!
-- ..and if your so inclined to be buggin' Santa for some Turtle Truck pounding merchandise you can wear and play with.. well .. look no further.. all 4
Hot Wheels TMNT trucks are available for purchase, pennants,T-shirts, and even a Plush Monster Truck are all avaialable for purchase
--starting right here !!
Much0 Big thanks to
M.Ivey for the most excellent heads up on these cool Monster Ninjas links!!
-..got lucky..
Usagi and Malignus were in a batch of TMNTs at Super Target last night ..and i even found the
Michelangelo Hot Wheels Monster Truck !! Keep searchin',folks.. they are out there !!
-..strait from
T-drome n'
"We saw some small pictures of 'General Blanque' and 'Hamato Yoshi w/ Splinter' at the Fall Toy Fair. But here's our first look at the 'Feudal Japan Shredder' Fairly pleased with all three these. While they're not perfect, they are good represenatives of some of the better Playmates TMNT figures. Which seems to be the case with most of the non-Turtles figures. Note that these are prototypes, so the final figure and paintjob could change."..
--you can check out these very sweet figs startin' here !!