Monday, March 29, 2004

-->> VID Figs!!
well i'm goin' here's your early Monday update::

--Good' ol' 'Splint' from T-drome reports in::

According to a post and pictures on Raving Toy Maniacs (..original report here..), it seems Wal-Mart is the place to be for Turtle Power.
The original report of the first four Turtle figures being reiussed with DVD's has turned into nearly the entire line being reissued with DVD's. It appears to be a Wal-Mart exclusive, similar to the Mattel Batman figures reissued with Comic Books that occured recently. All currently released figures appear to have been recarded with DVD's. The only exception appears to be 'April O'Neil' and the 'Fire Foot Mystic'. So get to your Wal-Mart's and start hunting the endcaps. Because they are showing up now in many areas.

-HERE is the original Photo as pictured above .. looks like the latest TMNT Wave..including Turtle Titan,Leatherhead and the gang will get the DVDs.. is the endcap..these particular figs were found on..
..the 2 DVDs is each pack are the eps.. Darkness on the Edge of Town ..and Garbageman ..
..prolly to celebrate the TMNTs coming up on 'Cartoon Network'..hence the packaging stickers.. oi..!!

--Well..scince we're in the habit of repeating updates and posts and stuff and we're kinda click n' trigger happy.. ..

..don't forget.. all the good new stuff Mr.B posted on the Official TMNT site.. like icons and wallpapers and comic strips..

--..o' yeh don't forget the Mp3 Downloads Mike made himself.. even tho he already posted about earlier.. might as well post about it again!!

--And ya know.. even tho' ..alls ya gots ta do is scroll down just an iddy biddy bit to get this up date on 'Gettin' Down in your Town Tour' Mp3s.. here i am posting about it.. agian !!

--O' and here's Nick's new Comic!!

--..o's a real important update of a Kid on a pony!!

--..and this pretty much covers the direction all of this clicking is driving me.. i bid you.. a fond farewell..


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