From March 2004 'Previews'..
..skip ahead an issue of 'Tales of The TMNT vol.2 ..#3..(due out in May).. after an all SPLINTER issue of Tales # 2..
..Tales #3 ..::
by Steve Murphy,Rick Remender ('Ruule'),& John Beatty
"The Worms of Madness" PART 1: THE FIRST 2-PARTER! Featuring the dynamic artwork of penciller Rick Remnder & legendary inker John Beatty (and Mirage Main-man and Main-stay Steve Murphy)!!
The Shredder returns from the dead! Ninja Weaponry,foot sorcery, a a shambling Lovecraftian monstrosity--a tale of twisted blood,guts, and revenge !
.. and perhaps a Shredder Clone or two..or three.. or .. .. ??
T-drome's Splint..mentions::
"We have some good news for all you fans of the eccentric scientist Dr. Baxter Stockman. Rumored to be in the works thanks to fan demand, we've had a couple confirmations that the figure was on the way. Playmates at Toy Fair told several Toy Websites that Baxter Stockman was on the slate for this year.
And according to an E-Mail from Playmates Customer Service, he should be available in July/August of 2004. That is subject to change however, so don't consider it written in stone. No word on which of the numerous versions of Baxter will be tapped for the toy. Since he's had so many unique looks.
Normal, Eyepatch, Wheelchair w/ Neckbrace and Robohand, Eyepiece w/ Exo-Suit, Spider Body, and Utrom Body Suit. Hopefully we'll get some word soon. I'm hoping just for a normal version myself, maybe with interchangable normal and eyepatch heads. Now let's all hope that this doesn't go to Baxter's head."
..Bax is back.. but hhmm.. in which form?? I prefer' 70s Cuff-disco Duck Baxter w/ hep 'fro.. n' 18" spectacle frame n' pincher beakers bell-bottoms..
Hmmmm.. Hmmm.. Hmmmmmm.. 8)
..i don't know what the f6ck i'm talking about.. i suck..
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