Tuesday, March 16, 2004

-->>Hey,LeSean Fans !!::

Scopin' out T-drome..i've run amuk of some cool & quick news..
..from the amazing LeSean himself.. ::
".. its convention/signing season again....starting
swing on by Acme Comics in Greensoro, NC Saturday , March 27th to purchase some TMNT pages, sketches, commisions, or get those precious TMNT Animated TPBs and other DW issues signed. or just to say hi!

see y'all soon!


..so yeh..if your NC native and nearby.. or just passin' thru ..this is a wonderful oppurtunity to meet a master animator and artist.. and just an all around nice guy and TMNT fan-supreme !!

..tell 'im tOkKa sent ya.. !!

.. n' while your at it..pick me up a Veggie Trio at Subways.. i'm hungry..

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