Giant TMNT NEWS SPOTS from V.Wenrog !!
- tOkKa my friend I've hit the big one!
We got a brand new Quicktime trailer that shows quite a bit of the new movie! Loads of stuff that wasn't in the novelization and all new charatcers! Don's tech support line had me in tears! Very Happy
iMDB also has a load of new pictures. Behind-the-scenes, villains, concept art, promotional pictures... I have no idea where they got this stuff from!
Hope this stuff helps! I'm loving it!
..thanks so very much ,VW !!
..i guess the site is ok now ..
"Superherohype was down for a bit but it's back up now! Here's the link to the new TMNT pictures!" - VW
**Click -
- IGN SPOTS from Roseangelo ..;)
**Click -
Finally, a look at stuff more than a few seconds long, and it is FANTASTIC!!!
**HEADS UP .. tho the links may lead to adverts before the TMNT stuff for mature audiences. But that's IGN's things so .. ;/
- Good News 4 Mikey ..
Looks like he'll get to attend a special screening of 'TMNT' after all.. ::
Mikey ::"Actually, I mentioned to my contact at Warner Bros. that I was bummed about missing the Alamo show. Since she is the one who invited me to the advance screenings in New York and Los Angeles, I secretly hoped she could pull some strings to get me in here. But while she didn't have any control over the Alamo screening, she was able to put me on the list for the Saturday (March 17) morning press screening at the Barton Creek AMC theater in Austin.
..more news as i go..