Wednesday, October 01, 2003

-->> ..oinG0!!.. ..
- Mikey's classy collection of TMNT desktops hits the official TMNT web stuff..with
official TMNT fan Wallpapers..

..i don't got crabs..i'm just sculpted this way.. ..
- ..RAZOR FIST.. sculpts are up on official TMNT web toy peeks..

- and quick tips from T-Drome..
by Nturtle
The magazine Nintendo Power will be having a preview and poster for the release of the new TMNT game next month.

Check out Toys R' Us's turtle section. They have information on a lot of TMNT toys and other merchindise (including Halloween costumes ).

Also, the new mini toy release dates have seemingly been pushed back to sometime in October. So you'll just have to wait it out.

..more as it regurgitates..
.. >v<

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