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- Controversy strikes now ..courtesy of Nacho !!
Nacho :: "..click on the following link to see some pages of the new artwork for tmnt vol 1, # 8:..as i said b4, it has been published only in spain. .. "
** Click here for the images.. very disturbing revision..
- Kurt S. Adler TMNT holiday ornaments and stockings are slowly making it to the seasonal merchandise sections at your local Wal-mart stores..((**UPDATE** ..acording to Roseangelo..Turtle decor is also showing up at other stores like Toys R'Us. Thanks,Rose !! 8) .. ~t ..))
** Click here for Adler's online catalogue and images of the Turtle decorations to look for !!
- New TMNT related blogs revealing themselves to the Turtle-fan community.
Mr.Murphy's still leads the pack. I am gonna try to give you the imperative bits from his and some other blogs thru'out the day..
In case you didn't know:
Twelve animated movies have been submitted to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (A.M.P.A.S.) for consideration in the Animated Feature Film category for the 80th Academy Awards. With 12 animated movies currently qualifying for consideration, under A.M.P.A.S. rules for the category there can only be a total of 3 films ultimately nominated. In order for five movies to be nominated in the category, per the rules, had 16 animated movies qualified for consideration, there could potentially have been five nominees in the category. The 80th Academy Awards nominations will be announced Tuesday, January 22, 2008, as always at the crack of dawn. The Awards will be handed out Sunday, February 24, 2008 on ABC, live from the Kodak Theatre.
The 12 submitted features are:
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters
Bee Movie
Meet the Robinsons
Shrek the Third
The Simpsons Movie
Surf's Up
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- TMNT movie sequel sorta news.2
While I can't give it a full thumbs-up (there remains one new and substantial issue to be resolved), I'm happy to report that Imagi has successfully renegotiated its distribution deal with Warner Brothers for the potential TMNT movie sequel, so at least that particular hurdle has been passed. The next meeting between Mirage and Imagi is scheduled for mid-December, at which point the new issue will be discussed and hopefully resolved to everyone's satisfaction. To be continued. Again.
Preliminary character designs of April and Casey for the 2K8 season. "A bit more movie," eh?
4Kids' in-house design group for the '08 season:
Roy Burdine (art director), Adrian Barrios (character design), Keith Conroy (layout supervisor), Edwin Nebres (props/storyboards), Andrew Bradshaw (prop design).
Murph's Retro Merch info and artwork ..
-Non-retro retro art in-progress((** Click for info and art..))
- Retro Quiz .. ((**Click))
- Mini Mutant'08 Sneek Peeks courtesy of Mr.Murphy !!
- " ..Here are the first two (pre-lettered) pages by artist Steph Dumais for Tales of the TMNT #41. The story, featuring an older Leonardo, is my last scheduled issue of Tales. ((**Click))
- Now some real fun news !! ::
Commissioned TMNT art
Cowabunga capitalists Steve Lavigne and Ryan Brown have started a blog to sell commissioned TMNT art: ..((**Click Here))
( Mr.Lavigne told me that a price list should be up soon for commissions..~t )
- Courtesy of Neil ::.."..TMNT NES 1 Gameplay Walkthough, Part 2 is uploaded too youtube. As are parts 3,4, 5 and 6. Hope it helps you beat one of the hardest games ever made. .. " **CLICK here for the video guide.
- also from Neil ..:: "Finally, www.newyorkanimefestival.com has confirmed via email that David Wise, writer of the ORIGINAL 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, will be at the convention at the Go!Comi booth, his new company that is dedicated too creating original anime. Check it out and hope too see you there."
.. >v<
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