Friday, December 01, 2006

Help tOkka support World AIDS Day !!

-->> Hey, Prickle pals.. recently your buddy; tOkKa has been doing his best to stay involved with a local HIV/AIDs organization that provides support,services,caring,education and research-based prevention programs that target high risk populations within the areas South of Denver (ect. ..). you may be aware ..December 1 is World AIDS day ..

"Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is a retrovirus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a condition in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections. .."

Today i'd like to share the following information with you today..

"AIDS has killed more than 25 million people, making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. Despite recent, improved access to antiretroviral treatment and care in many regions of the world, the AIDS epidemic claimed an estimated 3.1 million (between 2.8 and 3.6 million) lives in 2005 of which, more than half a million (570,000) were children. (!! !!)

"The concept of a World AIDS Day originated at the 1988 World Summit of Ministers of Health on Programmes for AIDS Prevention. Since then, it has been taken up by govenments, international organizations and charities around the world."

.."Around forty million people are living with HIV throughout the world - and that number increases in every region every day."

Help tOkka fight the prejudices and ignorance about this epidemic thru' learning,prevention and awareness !!

..Here are what i hope are some helpful links for you !! ::

-Support World AIDS Day


- Kid's Health . ORG's HIV/Aids education page ** !! (Pretty cool site for kid's to get the lo'down !!)

-'AVERT' is a U.K. Based HIV/AIDS charity with a very global view !!**

- The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS !! **

The main theme for W.A.D. thru' 2010 is ::

Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise !!

..Help me keep that promise !! We can all do our part by learning,understanding,prevention,education,action and love !!

Kay' tOkKa Snapper-teers.. i'll catch ya in a bit.. have a good one.. luv ya !!




..for information on S-cap in the Southern Colorado area..please CLICK HERE !!**

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