Thursday, October 28, 2004

I'm not one to brag, but WE DID IT!!!

We finished D4K Issue 3, page 14, the last page, speaking o' which, and I'm nothing but elated!

The problem is my whole "Draw a few pages ahead" scheme isn't working out as planned. To be honest, I've been ahead for a month or so, and for that month I've not drawn ONE THING except for dancing girls. (As the next issue continues, it won't seem as perverted or confusing perhaps as it sounded....) Last night was the first time in a while I hammered out two pages or so, and lemme just say, all you TMNT-fans will see a definate hint/nod to our boys in green. Hopefully you get a kick out of, as it was fun to draw!

Ah, but I digress. I got up early by accident (I set my alarm by 45 minutes or so, so I'd get up at 6 in the morning, but instead I musta pushed the normal hour ahead on the clock, cos I woke up at 5:34 today.. :-\ ::runs back to bed to catch a few more before work::

So, I hope you enjoy today's last page/strip in Issue 3, Chapter 1 of Lord of the Sweaters! Lemme know what you think by E-mailing me at!!

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