Sunday, August 08, 2004

-->> ..!!
..i wanted to touch base on this a few months back but kept putting it off. Tales of the TMNT
.. has been featuring a little wood turtle in real need of our help for a radio transmitter.. her name is F-104. She was found in the Conneticut Valley of Massachusetts!! It is guessed she is 20 - 30 years old. She lives in a small,fast-flowing brook surrounded by hayfield and hemlock forest. The Turtle nested in June and supposedly wandering the fields and roads and woodlands. In the fall she is supposed to return to the river she hibernates in.

Steve Murphy and his Turtle-live crew at 'Tales..'is asking for everyone's help. The radio transmitter is important in this effort for trackingF-104.. wood turtles are endangered !!

Mirage Studios & Playmates Toys are supporting this important project and you can too !!

Steve Murphy is encouraging everyone who can to send donations made to ::

The University of Massachusetts
and sent to ::

Paul Sievert,Assistant Unit Leader-
Wildlife.USGS,Massachusetts Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit

Department of of Natural Resources Conservation
319 Holdsworth Hall.University of Massachusetts Amherst

..i know money is real tight nowadays.. but every little bit helps in the form of a check or money order ..even if it's a few dollars !!

And still ..even if it's just your support and awareness in this effort .. that's good too!!

.. the TMNT have been a long-time supporter of the conservation of our home the Earth.. !! .. you can bet tOkK here will keep ya updated as he can on F-104's progress.. also check the 'Tales of the TMNT' book for further info,updates and even contest info involving F-104 and the wood turtle conservation !! COWABUNGA !!


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