Thursday, September 16, 2004

-->> The Forums have been updated and should be working regularly now. Hopefully more secure as well..thanks,Mikey !!

..big news days..!!

Mr.B's offical TMNT site has news of an upcoming synaps of the new TMNT season 3 ::
"We hope to have have season three synopses online sometime next week! Series producer Lloyd Goldfine is working on short, semi-spoiler-proof synopses that will give you an idea of what's going to happen without giving away all the critical twists and turns. Lloyd and the writing staff want people to be surprised by the events that will occur this season (or at the very least, they don't want you to know exactly what's going to happen in the last episode before the first one has even aired)."

..also major props go to Mr.Berger.. he is reworking the old TMNT Volume 3 from Image ..much better detail of some of the inner artwork as well as more details on the storylines.. -starting here..
..i get alot of questions regarding the short lived third volume of TMNT ..and as the time goes by..this series gets rare. The whole volume has been thrown out of Mirage Studioe's TMNT cannon & intrestingly may play a role as far as referance to upcoming TMNT season 3 eps. The series also gets panned alot for it's daring treatment of the Turtle characters and relativly unliked.
I for one tho' think it was a great,fast paced story line and bold enough to take the Turtles beyond the levels of schizophrenia and back. If you are unfamiliar with Volume 3 and possibly the slightest bit curious.. or just wanting to refamiliarize with one of the most contraversial TMNT storylines ever.. -this is your starting point !!

--..i'm really unliked by Splinter at T-drome.. but alls fair in love and fandome.. and i'm relativly a nice guy so hey ya know f7ckit..

.. so as reported on the forums by Machias Banshee (thanks,lady !!) ..and posted by Splint

Long time no see, Turtle Fans. I've been swamped with the summer, but now I'm back with some big news from the land of the green teens. The long unpublished but long hyped saga for Archie Comics that never saw print will finally see the light of day in 2005. A 96 page graphic novel will be produced that will feature the long abandoned storyline that was reported to originally be planned as a massive 5 Issue Finale. This is great news for fans of the classic Archie series, and we here at the Technodrome hope everything goes smoothly.

Response to my email!!!

Hey Aaron. You'll be happy to hear that Dean Clarrain and Chris Allan will be tackling The Forever War as a stand-alone 96-page (more or less) graphic novel to be published by Mirage sometime in 2005!

Stephen Murphy
Creative Director, Mirage Licensing
Managing Editor, Mirage Publishing

And it seems that Chris Allen has someone who's been sending him some some of the excited fan reactions from this announcement. Judging by this lil comic that our own Machias Banshee has been able to dig up.

You can also see some of the inked pencils for the original Archie covers for these stories that never came out over at his gallery. Thanks to Machias also for the link to his gallery.

--.. i got a note inbox today that i just couldn't reply too right away. In fact i'm gonna just reply to it here. The note baisically seems to put me under fire for rehashing and reporting things people are finding out on other fan sites or can easily find out on the main TMNT site. Why this is such a big deal i don't know. Rarely do i get notes of any kind on my reporting here.. or any in general for that manner. I'm pretty devoted to this site and to the fandom in general ..recently real-life events have been taking much of their toll on me.. and maybe you don't like what i'm doing here. Really why anyone would be bothered by me or this news page in general is beyond me. But you know.. i'm judt trying to share one of my passions with everyone else and keep you up to date the best i can with what i find out what is new in TMNT ..merchandise wise, comic book wise or what-not. This takes alot of effort and hard work to keep up on ..but somehow i'm good at it.

So really if you don't like what the f7ck i'm posting here.. really, go somewhere else ..thanks.


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