Monday, June 30, 2008

-->> ..quick notes on news in the TMNT biz .. ;]

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-- Thanks to N.V. for the tip ..

**[ TMNT ] Director Kevin Munroe Talks 'Gatchaman', 'Dead of Night' on Newsarama ..( life after TMNT !! ~t )

-- Dan Berger & the official TMNT site !! :: ** has a little article about the NECA B&W TMNT figs here.

- Chris from 4Kids sent us the following two images of Casey Jones for the upcoming "Back to the Sewer" season along with this info about 'em:

"The difference being that the second version is how he will look if there is a spontaneous fight and he just throws his stuff on - and the black t-shirt design will be his gear when he knows he's going into a fight or going on patrol etc."

** Casey Jones version 1

*** Casey Jones version 2

-- TMNT Entity.. killer Comic Archive, directory, and reviews.. !!

** ( Check out Mark's really informative and fun blog here especially if your a newbie to the TMNT Adventure - verse or want a cool TMNA Refresher !! ~ t )

Mark: And if you want to just look at the reviews issue-by-issue instead of scrolling back through updates, check out the Archie Directory.

So since I finally completed my Archie collection, and I own practically every other TMNT comic in existence in one form or another, I figured I'd put my resources to good use and put together a comic guide with individual reviews for each issue.

What I hope to do that'll eventually set it apart from the guide at the official site is to have a hell of a lot of cross-referencing. That way, if you're wondering how one event connects to a previous or future one, or when a certain character appears again, it'll all be handilly located in the "Turtle Tips" section.

I figured I'd start with the Archie series, since I haven't read most of those issues, particularly after #25. What I also hope to accomplish is fit all the specials and minis in-between the issues of the main title where they belong, ordering a coherent timeline much in the vein of my Mirage Continuity Timeline. But that'll have to wait until I get to those issues.

I also intend to add scans of selected pages and panels later on to add some *oomph*, but that'll have to wait since scanning is time-consuming.

For now, I've completed the first TMNT Adventures Miniseries and the first 13 issues of the on-going.

.. "

**Check out Vaugn's Toon accurate Zak the Neutrio custom (( He sez he's workin' on Kala and her little pal next )) !!

.. >v<

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