Sunday, September 16, 2007

-->> ..TMNT crossover favourites ..TMNT nominated for Spike's SCREAM 2007 awards ..ect..ect. .. .. !! ..

- Courtesy of Dierna.. ::

TMNT has been nominated for a Spike Scream Award for Best Comic to Screen Adaption(along with Spidey 3 and

You can vote for it to win here:
** CLICK !!

-In lieu of Nick's weekend post and NECA and Mirage's deal for fan-demanded :: TMNT Classic accurate ..comic figs ..::

(( NECA, National Entertainment Collectible Association, has signed a license to produce and distribute collector's market TMNT action figures, statues, busts, weapon prop replicas and bobbleheads based on the TMNT comic books from Mirage Studios. These items will be avaialble to small independent retailers, independent toy stores, comic and hobby shops, and specialty chains. The design and development process has just gotten started, so prduct won't be available for awhile. We'll post news from the folks at NECA as soon as possible!))

..Turtle allies of years past are getting a boost Marvel Legends ..!!

Series 1 and 2 are out right now.. each figure includes a part like M.L. to build a larger figure. S.1's build-a-afig is Pitt.. S.2 is the Monkeyman Series.

Savage Dragon has too variants with and without muscle shirt..

** Original Report from TNI..

** ..more info here as well (( SIN CITY !! **))

Freak Force's 'Star' from Series 2.

Vangaurd .. the big blue Turtle alien pal is slated for S.3 .. due out soon !!

Super Patriot also has 2 variants.. one with and sans mask !!

..more images from S.1 here @ **Marvelous News


- Danny B. @ official site .. ::

"Ryan sent in the following info:

I was on the other day searching for new Ninja Turtles DVDs and I found one. On September 18, 2007 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Season 1 Part 2 will be released. It contains 14 episodes, which should complete Season 1. Just thought I'd give you a heads up on that:


- Matt sent in the following info:

Today I was checking Amazon UK and I've found a page that has Volume 1 of TMNT Fast Forward on DVD. It will be released on the 8th of October, 2007 at an Amazon Pre-Order Price of £9.74 and the RRP price is £12.99 so you save over £3.00 by pre-ordering the DVD.

The only bad news of this is that it's only one DVD and the image says "over 2 hours of action" and it also says that the whole length of the DVD is 132 minutes, which would indicate that only the first six episodes of TMNT Fast Forward will be available on this DVD, this would also indicate that the the whole Fast Forward season will be released in the UK on four seperate DVDs in four seperate DVD cases, unlike the USA versions which are availabe on four DVDs in two DVD cases.

Here is the Link to the DVD Pre-Order:


- ** Posted the extended synopsis (with screenshots) for Episode #132 "Graduation Day: Class of 2105"

-Updated the Books of the Future page.

**Tales of the TMNT The Collected Books Volume 4, Tales of the TMNT #38 and Raphael Bad Moon Rising #3 didn't make it to the printers until today - so they're all running wicked late. Sorry, folks! .."


- The following courtesy of tOkKie's secret Turtle Agent ;Roseangelo .. ::

TMNT FF Trading Card @ KB Toys

KB Toy stores are giving away a pack of 4Kids trading cards free with any purchase. Each pack is the same and contains a card from most of the shows in their Fall lineup. The TMNT card features this ** art. (**CLICK)..

- Convention Sketches From Eric Talbot

Eric talbot has posted some scans of sketches from last weekend's Comic Expo in Toronto.

You can check all of them out at his blog.(**CLICK)..

-Tales of the TMNT #38 - Preview Pages
Artist Dario Brizuela has posted some preview pages from the upcoming Tales of the TMNT #38 to his blog.

You can check out all of the pages **here, **here, and **here.

Tales of the TMNT #38 will be in stores later this month.

.. more as i go .. >v<

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