Friday, August 18, 2006

Tony Jay 1935-2006
-- On a note from Dierna

..i am sad to report that veteran voice, television & stage actor Tony Jay passed away on August 13 "..after failing to recover from microsurgery to remove a non-cancerous tumor in his lungs."

Tony's voice was phenomenal and distinguished... an incredible singer as well. He was also a former member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.

His voice works are noted in so many animated projects such as: World of Warcraft, Tale Spin, Gargoyles', the evil Judge Frollo in Disney's Hunchback of Notredame to name just a few.

Mr. Jay was also known as the voice of Lord Dregg, the main villian of the final two seasons on the original TMNT program.
Much love goes to his family from everyone here at Mikey's TMNT.

Tony will be missed


-->> Nacho (thanks,buddy) provided me yet another interveiw with Kevin Munroe !!

Comis 2 Film gets a little more insight from Munroe on TMNT 2 (movie 5) & Kevin's next big project after TMNT... Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets).

C2F's interview start's by clickin' HERE !! ~~**


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