Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I just wanted to thank everyone who donated...

Loolaa, Wes, Cynlee, Blue, Brendan Rogers, Leonardo Mystic, Kyabetsu, Gemma Canning, Heather Karm, Summer, Wikka Wikka, Xipe Totec, and everyone who offered their support and/or services. Even if you didn't donate, your well wishes and thoughts helped the morale around here. Thanks to your generosity, we've reached, surpassed and doubled our original goal... is here to stay!

Thank you!

P.S. Due to constant growth of this site, especially through our forums, we may need to purchase more web space at some point. The fact of the matter is, site maintenance does cost money, and we'd appreciate any help we can get. If you would like to contribrute at any time, you may click this button to offer your donation. Thanks!

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