Wednesday, June 08, 2005

-->>..Boogah Boogah !!

..this cool bit in from my good pal : 'Nacho' !!

The people at dancing diablo studio, the ones who do the Color Styling, Background & Color Key for the new TMNT cartoon have answered some of my questions and now you can read the short interview in my spanish TMNT web site.

I have the spanish and english version.

(--click here for Naco's nice TMNT site !!)

-- The D.D. interview is here ::..- En EspaƱol and English here !!

-- Blast from the Past ..Peter Laird's Treasure vault of classic TMNT concepts and art.. is back..

an update with never before seen roughs for the ol' Leo and Usagi story :"The Crossing"..--click here !!

-- Mr.Berger's Offical TMNT site has a cool ring tone from 'Raka' :

"I had entirely too much time on my hands at lunch today, and after some wrong notes, had put this little ringtone into my Nokia cell phone:

4d#2 4d#2 4d#2 4d#2 8d#2 8c2 8a1 8a1 8c2 8a1 8g1 8a1 8d#2 8c2 8d#2 8d2 8d#2 8f2 4d#2 8d#2 8c2 8.a1 8.a2 8.a1 8.a2 8.a1 8d#2 8c2 8a1 8a1 8a1 8a#1 8c2 8a2 4d#2 4d#2 4d#2 4d#2 4f2 4f2 4f2 4f2 8a1 8a1 8c2 8d2 8d#2 8c2 8a2 4a2

Tempo needs to be set at 140 BPM. What is it, you ask? Why, it's the theme song to the current cartoon series. :) "

..amoung other need to KNOW TMNT shtuffs !!


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