Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ya mean i'm not gonna be able to stare menacingly from behind with my big claw looming up in vegance on anymore DVD covers ?! Man..i'm gonna miss you guys..

-->> TMNT's season four starts in a little over a month. What better way to kick off the first Shredder-less season than with the massive finale and the ultimate Turtle Justice !? TMNT 3.4 has a street date for August 30th..but i'm giving you the heads up now that some vendors may actually have it earlier than the street date. TMNT DVD releases ..on odd occasions ..pop up way early. And if history repeats itself..this one may as well.
In any case..we'll keep an eye on the bugger early or not.


-- T-drome's N.Turtle sez.. ::

"Some more con appearances coming up, first off Kevin Eastman will be a guest at Wizard World Chicago (August 4th-7th). Also Peter Laird, Michael Dooney, Jim Lawson, Steve Lavigne and Eric Talbot will all be at the Canadian National Expo in Toronto, August 26-28.

Also, on Saturday August 6th Fox will be showing previews of all their shows including season 4 of TMNT. The previews will most likely be scattered between their cartoon blocks, so keep an eye out!" tOkKie's thoughts are scattered.. i'm a peanut.


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